Posts in Zoom
Global Interdependence Day

Sunday, July3rd•Celebrate all day!

If there is anything we’ve learned over the past year it is that we are unquestionably connected. There are millions of people across the globe who are taking action to prioritize the health and well-being of the entire global Human Family. Global Interdependence Day is a day to celebrate our togetherness, and to elevate the actions of everyone who is trying to create a better tomorrow.

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Global Interdependence Day

Saturday, July3rd•Celebrate all day!

If there is anything we’ve learned over the past year it is that we are unquestionably connected. There are millions of people across the globe who are taking action to prioritize the health and well-being of the entire global Human Family. Global Interdependence Day is a day to celebrate our togetherness, and to elevate the actions of everyone who is trying to create a better tomorrow.

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Global Vaccine Equity

Saturday, June 26th•7pm EST on Zoom!
Part of the Hangouts & Highlights Series

Dr. Jeremy Rossman is the President of the non-profit organisation, Research-Aid Networks. It facilitates collaborative and evidence-based approaches for assessing need, delivering aid, evaluating effectiveness and achieving long-term sustainable community development, worldwide.

Dr. Rossman has a PhD in Emerging Infectious Diseases and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Virology at the University of Kent where he performs interdisciplinary research on: evidence-based humanitarian aid, sociology of trust relations in public health, machine learning prediction of viral outbreaks, and molecular biology of Ebola and influenza viruses.

Jeremy has co-ordinated local community outreach efforts within He also leads the National Scientist Volunteer Database consulting service and works with the Zero COVID Alliance in promoting global vaccine equity.

Come attend to learn about and understand the idea of global vaccine equity, why it’s important, the current challenges our world faces, how to help make vaccination more fair for all, and get your vaccine questions answered! Everyone welcome.

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Anti-racism in Covid Advocacy Work

Saturday, June 12th•7pm EST on Zoom!

Bitsy Bentley (she/her) is the co-founder of Last Mile. Last Mile is an entirely volunteer run non-for-profit entity based in NYC whose mission is to support communities most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Bitsy will be speaking on Anti-Racism in Covid-Advocacy-Work. She will be presenting Last Mile's principles and ways of working that draw on Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun's Elements of White Supremacy Culture and Marshall Rosenberg's Nonviolent Communication frameworks.

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Long-hauler & Advocate Cynthia Adinig

Saturday, June 5th•7pm EST on Zoom!

Cynthia Adinig has a tremendous story as a Long-Covid Patient. She, at 35-years-old, has been to the hospital upwards of 20 times for debilitating symptoms related to long-haul Covid-19, ranging from heart palpitations to severe malnutrition. On some visits, Cynthia feared for her life. She was pushed out of the hospital before she felt ready to leave. With few answers from doctors, Cynthia turned to online support groups for connection and understanding. This is a story, not to miss.

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Stolen Goodbyes with Karen Rice

Saturday, May 29th•Noon EST on Zoom!

Karen Rice is a foreign affairs journalist and podcaster who has been documenting inspiring Covid-19 stories via her podcast Stolen Goodbyes. Each week inspiring wives, husbands, partners, children and newly weds intimately recount the shock and anguish of death without warning to Covid-19 while never having the chance to say goodbye.

If you get a chance, check out Stolen Goodbyes, available wherever you listen to podcasts. Get a few episodes in and join in on the discussion!

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Life After Covid with Dr. Marjorie Roberts

Saturday, May 22nd•7pm EST on Zoom!

Join us to learn about Dr. Marjorie’s story, and how she is helping others!

Dr. Marjorie Roberts is a Certified Life Coach and Speaker who coaches her clients how to create the life of their dreams even after this life-altering virus. She assists her clients in finding their deep inner happiness after pain, helping them define and achieve goals as they consistently live a more joyful life.

If you or someone you know is seeking guidance as to how to face the mental difficulties of living day-to day during and after having novel Coronavirus, Dr. Marjorie Roberts is here to help. As a survivor of this life-altering virus, she know exactly what a patient and their families go through.

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