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Why do you think it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate our togetherness?

Use the below artwork, or create your own! Be sure to tag at @globalinterdependenceday on instagram, and use the hashtags #GlobalInterdependenceDay #WeAreConnected #July3rd #MakeGoodTogether #OneFamily #OnePlanet

Text that you can use for posts and captions:

(On July 3rd - #WeAreConnected campaign)

Today I’m celebrating #GlobalInterdependenceDay

I recognize and celebrate that #WeAreConnected as one global family. Will you join me in celebrating our togetherness?

Thanks @account for nominating me!

I nominate: @account, @account, @account

Celebrating our togetherness is important to me because (include your reasons here).

HOW TO: Take a photo with #WeAreConnected; it can be written on your hand, on a piece of paper, created as artwork, etc. Use this caption. Nominate three new accounts from different geographic locations. Tag @globalinterdependenceday as a collaborator.

Together is the only way forward.


(Pre-event promo post for individuals & organizations)

#GlobalInterdependenceDay is on July 3rd. It’s a day to celebrate our togetherness.

If there is anything we’ve learned over the past year it is that we are unquestionably connected. There are millions of people across the globe who are taking actions to prioritize the health and well-being of all beings on the one place we all can call home. Global Interdependence Day is a day to celebrate our togetherness, and to elevate the actions of everyone who is trying to create a better tomorrow.

Learn more at:


(Pre-event partnership announcement)

(Organization name) is thrilled to be a partner of #GlobalInterdependenceDay – a day to celebrate our togetherness!

If there is anything we’ve learned over the past couple of years, it’s that we are unquestionably connected.

(organization to post what the date means to them)

When: July 3rd
Where: Planet Earth
What: A celebration of our togetherness!
Why: To express love & connection for one another.
How: #WeAreConnected campaign - on July 3rd use the below caption in a social media post:

Today I’m celebrating #GlobalInterdependenceDay

I recognize and celebrate that #WeAreConnected as one global family. Will you join me in celebrating our togetherness?

Thanks @account for nominating me!

I nominate: @account, @account, @account

Celebrating our togetherness is important to me because (include your reasons here).

HOW TO: Take a photo with #WeAreConnected; it can be written on your hand, on a piece of paper, created as artwork, etc. Use this caption. Nominate three new accounts. Tag @globalinterdependence day as a collaborator.

Together is the only way forward.
